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Miguel A. D'Arienzo

Miguel Alfredo D'Arienzo, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1950, initially pursued Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires. Later, he devoted himself entirely to art, studying under Alfredo Martínez Howard, known for redefining Rioplatense Drawing. D'Arienzo's narrative painting reflects contemporary reality, blending poetic, grotesque, and ironic elements, echoing the cultural richness of our heritage. His work draws from Greek mythology to the Rio de la Plata's geography, exploring the interplay between rural and urban life, civilization and barbarism, and the amalgamation of races.

Miguel Alfredo D'Arienzo has enjoyed acclaim from critics and audiences worldwide. His art has found a home in prestigious museums globally, including Mexico, Spain, the USA, Brazil, and many national museums in Argentina. He has participated in international art auctions, showcased his work in Italy, Brussels, and Mexico, and even established his private museum, El MADA, in El Tigre. His impressive journey continues, with exhibitions and contributions to the art world.

Miguel A. D'Arienzo
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